THE GAMEBOY ROMHACKING DOC VERSION 1.00 I got sick of people asking for a document on how to hack gameboy games, so I wrote one. Hacking gameboy games is exactly like hacking NES or Super NES games, except that you usually don't have to subtract anything to get pointers, but that they're always stored between $4000-$7FFF. So if your text is stored between $X0000-$X3FFF, add $4000 to get your pointer. If it's between $X4000-$X7FFF, leave it alone. If it's between $X8000-$XBFFF, subtract $4000, and if it's between $XC000-$XFFFF, then subtract $8000. X is any given hexadecimal number. If you didn't understand any of that, then go read docs for other systems. The only other thing that hasn't been mentioned here is ASM, which if you're reading one of these docs, then you're not ready for it anyway. OKAY THEN. There's the gameboy romhacking document that everyone's been begging for. Happy now?