Картинка |
Инфо |
Описание |
600 год Собор
HP: 920
EXP: 50
G: 600
Атака: Игловорот
| Используйте Супер Удар и Огнемёт,
восстанавливая силы Тониками или Слизью Жабы. Иногда он контратакует после
вашей атаки. При этом он наносит приличный урон всем членам команды. Кроме
всего он имеет специальную атаку - игловорот, наносящую приличные повреждения.
Сразу после нейё используйте Лекарство. |
1000 год Замок Гуардии
HP: 600 (Голова), 266 (Тело), 208 (Жернов)
EXP: 40
G: 500
Атака: Огонь
| Танк Дракон имеет три части: Голову,
тело и Жернова (колёса). Голова ремонтирует повреждённые части тела и
имеет защиту от магий Молнии и Огня. Первой надо снести голову, иначе
и думать забудьте о победе над ним. Голова использует огненные атаки,
наносящие умеренный ущерб. Жернова проезжаются по вас, нанося большой
урон. Тело выстреливает в вас ракетами и лазером, последний наносит серьёзный
урон. Голова уничтожается оружием, а Жернов и тело танка Огнемётом и Резким
Ударом. Для восстановления используйте Тоники. |
2300 год Купол Арриса
HP: 1200 (Опекун) 200 (Биты)
EXP: 300
G: 1000
Атака: Лазер
| Сперва надо уничтожить обоих Битов
при помощи оружия. После этого надо сконцентрироваться на атаках сильнейшими
доступными Техниками. Силы восстанавливать при помощи Вихря Ауры только
тогда, когда они действительно на исходе. Через некоторое время Биты появляются
вновь. Повторяйте до тех пор, пока Опекун не будет уничтожен.. |
Р Серия
2300 год, Фабрика
HP: 150
EXP: 480
G: 600
Атака: Лазер
| Это шесть роботов в одном. Лучше
всего уничтожить его самыми сильными заклинаниями. Для его победы вы должны
иметь в команде двух персонажей, так надо перед этим прокачать героев.
Его атаки не так сильны, но специальные атаки наносят серьёзный ущерб.
Они могут бросать, нанося урон обоим персонажам, а последний робот может
бросить разрушительную бомбу. Марле должна лечить персонажей. А атаковать
роботов лучше всего Вертушкой или Огнемётом. При необходимости можно лечиться
Тониками. |
1000 год, Пещера Гекрана
HP: 2100
TECH: 10
EXP: 250
G: 1500
Атака: Молнии
| Его можно уничтожить только при
помощи магии. When he says "Go ahead and try to attack" do not attack
him, as he will use a nasty counterattack spell that will do major damage
to all of your people. When it says "Brief counterattack" then give him
everything you've got: Fire, Ice and Lightning. When he says "Yes Indeed!"
he will nail one of your characters with a major damage attack. Heal with
Marle. |
600 год, Мост Зенан
HP: 960 (верх) 800 (низ)
TECH: 10
EXP: 350
G: 1500
Атака: Физические атаки
| Используйте Магию Льда и атакуйте
верх монстра. Когда верхняя часть будет побеждена, она заберёт всю магию
у персонажа, убившего его. Используйте Магии Молнии и Огня или своё оружие
на его нижнюю часть. Атакует он слабо, но его специальные атака, вроде
Землетрясений хорошо ранят всех. После этого лечите всех Марле. |
Маса и Муне
600 год Горы Денадоро
HP: 1000 (один) 3600 (вместе)
TECH: 4 (один) 10 (вместе)
EXP: 400 (один) 500 (вместе)
G: 400 (один) 1500 (вместе)
Атака: Ветер
| Сперва Маса и Муна выглядят как
дети, но потом они превращаются в монстров и атакуют вас. Лукка должна
усыпить одного, а в этовремя надо уложить второго, атакуя его при помощи
оружия. Достаточно победить одного из них. Тогда Маса и Муна объединяются
вбольшого и злого монстра. Победить его можно только лучшей магией и техниками.
Все его атаки очень сильные, поэтому не забывайте лечить себя с помощью
Aura Beam. Когда он начинает собирать энергию, то атакуйте его Резким
Ударом. Он также может атаковать вас Резким ударом, нанося урон двум персонажам.
После поражения он оставляет вам поломанный меч Масамуне. |
65,000,000 Д.Н.Э. Логово Рептилий
HP: 4200
TECH: 10
EXP: 500
Атака: Физические Атаки
| Как и на любого динозавра, атакуйте
его Молнией, а уже потом всем, что есть под руками :). Когда он говорит"Releases
electrocution energy", он хочет ударить вас, и очень сильно. Урон за 100.
Лечитесь при помощи Robo's Heal Beam или чем-то похожим. Вам надо ударить
его молнией снова. Так же он вызывает землетрясения со средними повреждениями..
600 AD Magus' Castle
HP: 3300 (first) 5200 (second)
TECH: 10
EXP: 500
G: 1500
Атака: Меч
| Как и большинство боссов в Замке
Магуса Слэш принимает различные формы. Его первая форма довольно слаба.
Используйте комбинации магии и оружия. Его "Attack attack attack" наносит
около 80 единиц урона одному персонажу. Потом он снимает меч со стены
и начинает мочить вас при помощи Техники Слэш. Это наносит одному, двум
или трём персонажам урон по 60 единиц. Так что не забывайте восстанавливаться
Фрогом или Тониками. После фразы "Yes indeed" он выбивает из вас 100 единиц
жизни. Не забудьте подлечиться после этого. Вы получите Меч-Убийцу 1 за
победу.. |
600 AD Magus' Castle
HP: 4120
TECH: 10
EXP: 500
G: 1000
Attacks: Chaos, sleep, posion
| Flea also has two forms. The first form is
rather wimpy however, and doesn't take much to kill. The only real thing
it does is steal all of the MP of one of your characters. So make Lucca
kill it, since the real Flea is weak against weapon attacks, not against
Lucca's magic. Then you attack the real Flea. This form is much more powerful
than the first. X-Strike works pretty well against it, as well as just
regular attacks, and Crono's Spincut works rather well too. Make Lucca
use her gun. Flea will use Chaos attacks, Sleep attacks, and Poison attacks
against you. Make sure to bring Heals with you to counteract their effects.
The Stare will get one of your party to attack the rest of your party,
injuring everyone badly. Heal with Frog or tonics to heal the party. For
winning you receive a Magic Tab. |
600 AD Magus' Castle
| Ozzie puts up a protective barrier so that
you can't hurt him. So don't even try to hit him, or he will just counterattack
you. Instead, hit the winches that are next to him. This is all you need
to do to win the battle. After you've hit them all, Ozzie will fall through
the floor, and you will win. For defeating Ozzie, you get nothing. |
600 AD Magus' Castle
HP: 6666
TECH: 15
EXP: 1500
G: 3000
Attacks: Dark Magic
| Magus is one of the toughest bosses to beat
if you don't know what you are doing. You need to pay attention to what
magic he is using against you. That is the barrier he has up at the moment.
It is best to have a varied party so you can hit him with whatever magic
he is using against you: Frog, Crono and Lucca (and if you can manage
it, try to have learnt Delta Storm triple tech before). Have Frog attack
with the Masamune when Magus's barrier isn't water-magic. This will help
lower his defenses, and help prevent him from casting certain spells on
you. He will also use Dark Matter, his strongest spell which will do 200+
points of damage to the whole party. There will come a time during the
battle when Frog seems to be doing significantly more damage with his
attacks. When this happens, hit him with your best physical attacks and/or
with Delta Storm, and he will not counterattack. This is a sign that he
is weakening. |
Nizbel II
65,000,000 BC Tyrano Lair
HP: 7000
TECH: 15
EXP: 880
Attacks: Physical attacks
| Nizbel II is every bit a pain to beat as
the original Nizbel. His charge attack will do a fair amount of damage
to everyone in your party. Use Lightning on him to decrease his defense.
Rock Throw works well against him. Again, he will discharge the lightning
energy, and it will do a lot of damage. Heal with Robo's Heal Beam right
after it. If you use Charm on him, you get a Third Eye. |
Tyrano and Azala
65,000,000 BC Tyrano Lair
HP: 2700 (Azala) 10500 (Black Tyrano)
TECH: 25
EXP: 1800
Attacks: Physical attacks
| This is the final showdown in the battle
between the humans and the reptites. Your first job is to defeat Azala.
Regular attacks, Lightning and Fire magic seem to work well on her. Azala
will use several attacks that do moderate damage, while the Tyrano will
either shoot fire at you for moderate damage, or eat one person for some
major damage in the 200 range. When Azala dies, the Azala Break spell
will reduce your HP by a small amount. Now, heal your characters with
Robo's Heal Beam and wait until it says "Removes def, and is storing pwr."
Now attack the Tyrano with your best techs. Cat Attack works very well
on it, and Fire and Lightning magic both are ok. Spincut works better
than Lightning though. When it counts down to 0, it will blast you with
a powerful fire attack. Heal then. If you use Charm on them, you get a
Power tab and a Magic tab. |
12,000 BC Zeal Palace
HP: 7000
TECH: 35
EXP: 1000
G: 2000
Attacks: Physical attacks
| This is one of the tougher bosses in the
game because of the Iron Orb attack it can do. This will reduce one characters
life by half. Since his physical counterattacks are really tough, the
best way to defeat him is to use magic on him. Alternate different kinds
of spells on it, and he won't have time to attack you. Or, if you must
use any kind of physical attack use Rock Throw, as it does major damage
to him. But be sure to hit him with any kind of magic (his counterattacks
against Fire are quite weak) immediately afterwards. If you use Charm
on it, you get a Magic tab. |
Sir Krawlie
2300 AD Sewer
HP: 500
EXP: 100
G: 500
Attacks: Physical attacks
| Although this guy barely counts as a boss,
I'm including him in the list. If you go after him earlier in the game,
he can be fairly tough to beat. But later in the game, he is just a wimp.
Nail him with your best attacks, but watch out for his 1 HP move. |
Beast, Red Beast, and Mud Imp
12,000 BC Beast's Nest
HP: 1200 (Mud Imp) 5000 (Blue Beast, Red Beast)
TECH: 16, 26
EXP: 600, 954
G: 1600, 2600
Attacks: Mud attacks
| These guys have a lot of HP, but aren't too
tough. For the Red Beast, use Ice Magic on it. For the Blue Beast, use
Fire Magic on it. Beat the tar of the Mud Imp with physical attacks. Leave
the Imp for last. But if you cannot beat the Mud Imp, it will run away.
If you use Charm on them, you get a Speed tab, a MermaidCap and an Elixir.
Giga Gaia
12,000 BC Mt Woe
HP: 9500 (Body) 2000 (Arms)
TECH: 30
EXP: 3000
G: 3000
Attacks: Fire, Ice attacks
| The secret to beating Giga Gaia is defeating
the hands. Once you defeat the hands, you have a clear opportunity to
beat the tar out of the main body before it regenerates the hands. When
it has its hands though, it will use dual attacks on you. It will attack
you with Shadow and Fire magic, so if you have the colored armors, now
is the time to use them. It is best to have your party wear a Black Mail,
a Red Mail, and a Red Vest. That way, someone is always being healed by
the attacks, and you don't have to worry much about your HP for the battle.
Delta Force works very nicely against Giga Gaia, but if you can manage
to have these techs, use Luminaire, Flare and Shock. If you use Charm
on the body, you get a Speed tab. |
12,000 BC Zeal Palace
HP: 3500
TECH: 30
EXP: 1000
G: 2500
Attacks: Physical attacks
| Dalton will use the Iron Orb attack, which
will drop your HP by half. Heal then. Nail this guy with your best magic
attacks, and he is fairly easy to beat. When you defeat him, he will use
a weird attack that will damage the entire party. If you use Charm on
him, you get a PowerMeal. |
Golem Twins
12,000 BC Ocean Palace
HP: 10000 (Each)
TECH: 70
EXP: 2000
G: 4000
Attacks: Physical attacks
| These guys can be tough. They are similar
to regular Golems, but having two of them makes things even tougher. You
should have Luminaire and Flare by now, so use that on them. If you need,
heal with Robo's Heal Beam or tonics. It works rather well. If you use
Charm on them, you get 2 Magic tabs. |
12,000 BC Ocean Palace
HP: 10000
Attacks: Destruction rains from the heavens, Obstacle, Lavos Needle.
| Although you aren't supposed to
win the battle against Lavos, I'm counting it as a boss, as you can kill
it by using the New Game Plus. You will fight the outer core, and it will
be much more powerful than fighting it at the end of the game like normal.
The attacks will do more damage to you, and will be done more frequently.
His "Destruction rains from the Heavens!" attack is really powerful. Heal
with Robo right after each of these. You should be able to kill it with
Luminaire, Flare and Shock. When you defeat the outer shell, you can refer
to the end of this document for the Inner Core of Lavos. |
Golem Boss
12,000 BC Blackbird
HP: 15000
TECH: 40
EXP: 2500
G: 2000
Attacks: Physical attacks
| This guy isn't that tough. He doesn't attack
you at all. He is afraid of heights, so if you can't beat him on your
own, he'll run away after a while. |
Dalton Plus
12,000 BC Epoch
HP: 3500
TECH: 40
EXP: 2500
G: 2000
Attacks: Physical attacks
| It's time to finish the fight with this "king".
He will use the Iron Orb attack on you, and a weaker form of the Golem's
physical attack also. If you use Charm on him, you get a PowerMeal. |
Lavos Spawn
2300 AD Death Peak
HP: 4000
TECH: 120
EXP: 747
G: 500
Attacks: Lavos needle
| The spawn has two parts to it - a head and
a body. Attack the head, or else you won't do any damage to it. Magic
and physical attacks work best. But try to avoid hitting the outer shell,
or else it will use the needle attack on you. Use Frog's Leap Slash, Robo's
Uzzi Punch and Ayla's Triple Kick. There are a total of three of these
on Death Peak. You get an Elixir for winning. |
Son of Sun
2300 AD Sun Palace
HP: 2100
TECH: 40
EXP: 3800
G: 2000
Attacks: Fire magic
| There is a very easy way to defeat this boss.
First, you need the right armor. The Red Mail, the Red Vest, and the Ruby
Armor are a must. Don't even think about it without them. If you have
Magus, have him cast Black Hole on it, and two of the flames will disappear.
After that, cast any level 2 spell, and see which flame does not counterattack.
Now hit that flame. When it does the roulette, just cast another level
2 spell on it. Do not bother to try to attack the center, as you cannot
hurt it that way. Whenever you hit the correct flame, the center will
take about 215 damage no matter how much or little you do to the outer
flame. If you use Charm on it, you get a Black Mail. |
Flea Plus
600 AD Ozzie's Fort
HP: 3000
TECH: 20
EXP: 2000
G: 2000
Attacks: Chaos, sleep, poison
| This version of Flea is no different from
the original version of Flea. In fact, he is weaker than the first version
of Flea you fought. Just bash him with whatever your favorite technique
is. He doesn't put up much of a fight. |
Super Slash
600 AD Ozzie's Fort
HP: 2500
TECH: 20
EXP: 2000
G: 2000
Attacks: Sword attacks
| This version of Slash is not much different
from his other version either. Bash Slash with your favorite technique,
or weapons. |
Ozzie, Super Slash and Flea Plus
600 AD Ozzie's Fort
HP: 4000 (Slash and Flea) 6000 (Ozzie)
TECH: 50, 80
EXP: 5000, 7500
G: 3000, 4000
Attacks: Sword and Magic attacks
| Try to concentrate on one person at a time,
and watch out for their triple tech, as it can be quite nasty. The best
way is to attack the Great Ozzie himself with single techniques like Triple
Kick, Uzzi Punch, Confuse, Mega Bomb... so there's only one counterattack
each time you attack. When he dies, the others die, too. If you use Charm
on them, you get an Ozzie Pants, a Slasher 2 and a Flea Vest. |
Great Ozzie
600 AD Ozzie's Fort
| This is the last stand of Ozzie. He's a wimp
as usual. Just attack the level near him, and this time, you will fall
down the hole. Go back up, and he will pretty much defeat himself. Since
you don't actually defeat him, you don't get anything for your battle.
If you use Charm on him, you get a second Ozzie Pants. |
Rust Tyrano
600 AD Giant's Claw
HP: 25000
TECH: 40
EXP: 3800
G: 2000
Attacks: Physical, fire attacks
| This guy is just like the first Tyrano you
fought, only stronger. Again, Red Mail, Red Vest, and Ruby Armor are a
must if you want to survive the battle. Also, bring Ayla to steal from
the boss if you can. This guy can take a lot of damage, so be ready for
a long battle. Luminaire is a good spell to have, as well as Flare and
Triple Kick. Again, he will count down from 5 and blast you with Fire
Magic. This guy is not meant to be tough, but he does have a lot of HP.
You can get the Rainbow Shell after you defeat it. If you use Charm on
it, you get a Red Mail. |
Yakra XIII
1000 AD Guardia Castle
HP: 18000
TECH: 40
EXP: 3500
G: 2000
Attacks: Needle attacks
| This guy is a lot like his predecessor. He
does use chaos a lot, so be prepared if you can. Blast him with your best
stuff. Have Marle, Lucca and Ayla. Charm him to get a White Mail, and
then attack him with Antipode 3 and Triple Kick. Yakra has a earthquake
attack that will do a decent amount of damage to you. The Needle 13 attack
will do a lot of damage to you. When you beat him, he will hit you with
one more needle attack. For winning, you get a MegaElixir. If you use
Charm on him, you get a White Mail. |
600 AD Sunken Desert
HP: 2000 (Core) 5000 (top) 5500 (bottom)
TECH: 100
EXP: 2600
G: 2000
Attacks: Dark magic
| Retinite bears a strong resemblance to Zombor,
but looks are about all they have in common. In order to defeat this monster,
you need to have someone who can use Water or Ice magic in your party.
Every time you hit Retinite, it will raise its' defenses against attack,
and water will weaken it. We usually attack the mid section first. Magic
will not work on Retinite at all. You need to use your best physical attacks
on Retinite. Weaken him with Marle's Ice 2, and then attack with Ayla's
Triple Kick, and Crono's Confuse. If you need, heal them all with Aura
Beam. If you use Charm on the eye, you get a Speed tab. |
Atropos XR
2300 AD Geno Dome
HP: 6000
Attacks: Laser attacks
| This is a one on one battle between Atropos
XR and Robo. Make sure he is powerful enough to stand up to the task at
hand. Atropos has the same moves as Robo can do. She will use Area Bomb
and Rocket Punch the most, and will also use the Heal Beam on herself.
Area Bomb works good against her. Make sure Robo has the highest magic
he can have, as he will need the added boost to win. Once you do enough
damage to defeat her, it will take a few moments for her to realize that
she is dead and will keep attacking you for a bit. You get Atropos' ribbon
for winning, which will raise Robo's Speed by 3, and Magic Defense by
10. |
Brain and Display
2300 AD Geno Dome
HP: 5000 (Mother Brain) 1 (display)
TECH: 40
EXP: 3000
G: 3000
Attacks: Laser attacks
| This is the psycho robot in charge of the
factory. Shutting her down will shut down the place. The displays around
the room will heal her. Don't destroy them. If you destroy all three of
them, Mother Brain will use her most powerful attacks on you. If you keep
one alive, it will still heal her, but she won't be able to use her most
powerful attacks. So use Robo's Uzzi Punch, Ayla's Triple Kick and Crono's
Confuse. You get the Terra Arm and the Crisis Arm for winning. Once you
win, you cannot re-enter the factory. If you use Charm on them, you get
a Blue Mail and Elixirs. |
Mega Mutant
Black Omen
HP: 3850 (top) 4600 (bottom)
TECH: 50
EXP: 900
G: 1500
Attacks: Dark magic
| This sure doesn't look like the Mutants you
are used to seeing! Blast this dude with your best techs, Luminaire, Flare
and Shock/Dark Matter. It will go down pretty easily. It will use Chaos
spells on you, so be prepared for them. You only need to kill either the
top or the bottom to destroy it. If you use Charm on it, you get an Elixir
and a Vigil Hat. |
Giga Mutant
Black Omen
HP: 5800 (top) 4950 (bottom)
TECH: 80
EXP: 1500
G: 2000
| This boss isn't much harder than the Mega
Mutant. Physical attacks do little damage to it, so blast it with magic.
Every time you hit it, it will try to steal some life away from you. It
also has a life shaver attack where it reduces your HP to 1 for one person.
Heal after that. If you use Charm on it, you get a Hit Ring and a Wall
Ring. |
Terra Mutant
Black Omen
HP: 7860 (top) 20000 (bottom)
TECH: 100
EXP: 2000
G: 3800
Attacks: Dark magic
| This boss isn't that tough. Magic will tend
to heal the lower half, so concentrate on killing the upper half first.
The lower half will die when the upper half dies. If you use Charm on
it, you get a Muscle Ring and a PowerSeal. |
Lavos Spawn
Black Omen
HP: 10000
TECH: 120
EXP: 2450
G: 2500
Attacks: Lavos needle
| This Spawn is very tough to beat. Hit the
head only, or it will counterattack you for severe damage. It has a needle
attack that will also cause confusion as well as do high damage. It can
cast Dark Bomb as well. Use Confuse, Uzzi Punch, Triple Kick. If you use
Charm on it, you get a Safe Helm and a Haste Helm. |
Queen Zeal
Black Omen
HP: 12000
Attacks: Hallitation
| This is your first of two battles with the
Queen. We suggest to have at least Robo in your party, for he can cure
the party with Heal Beams. Her opening attack will be to reduce the HP
of your party to 1. But don't worry: she can't kill you. Nail her with
cheap magic attacks after this move (to save your MP for later), and if
you have them in your party, with Frog's Frog Squash and Ayla's Dino Tail.
These techs are the strongest when your HP is at 1. We do not suggest
trying to heal yourself, as she will just do the 1 HP move again. On occasion,
she will attempt to steal some of your MP. For defeating her, you get
one MegaElixir. |
Mammon Machine
Black Omen
HP: 18000
Attacks: Dark magic
| Still weak from your battle with Zeal, your
best bet is to use that MegaElixir you won. From here, pommel it with
everything you have. NOTE: The Masamune absorbs energy from the Mammon
machine, so you might want to have Frog in your party. When you attack
it with Magic, it says that the machines attack power goes up. When you
attack it physically, its defense goes up. So your best bet is magic attacks
(the most powerful ones you have). When you attack it, and the Mammon
M. stands still, it is weakening. Just kill it with your best techs or
attacks: Luminaire, Flare and Shock/Dark Matter. For defeating it you
get nothing. |
Queen Zeal
Black Omen
HP: 20000
Attacks: Lightning, physical attacks
| This is the last battle between you and Zeal.
There are three parts to this boss. A head, and two arms. Ignore the arms
and go for the head. Make sure you use tech that only hits one section
of Zeal, or you will get hit by a nasty counterattack from the hands.
The arms' counterattacks are either taking that person's HP to 1, or MP
to 0. She also has some nasty regular attacks that can hurt if you don't
have good magical protection. Mega Bomb, Triple Kick, Uzzi Punch and Confuse
work well here. The Lightning attack she does is not very powerful. Her
Water attack is very powerful however. She has been known to use her Hallation/
HP to 1 attack, so beware of it: heal with Robo' Heal Beam. For defeating
her, you get nothing. If you use Charm on her hands, you get a Prism Dress
and a Prism Helm. |
1999 AD
HP: 10000 (final)
Attacks: Destruction rains from the heavens, Obstacle, Lavos Needle.
| This is your first step into the final battle.
You must now face the many forms of Lavos. Try to have Gold Studs as accessories
and wear the best armors you have. These are the forms that Lavos takes:
1.Dragon Tank 2.Guardian and Bits 3.Heckran 4.Zombor 5.Masa & Mune (second form) 6.Nizbel 7.Magus 8.Black Tyrano & Azala 9.Giga Gaia 10.Lavos' true form Use Luminaire, Flare and Shock/Dark Matter on the final form. The other forms are just like their regular counterparts.
Lavos Core 1
1999 AD
HP: 8000 (left arm) 9000 (right arm) 20000 (body)
Attacks: Shadow Doom Blaze, Shadow Slay, Obstacle, Flame Battle
| Now that the outer shell is broken, it's
time to attack the inner core. We advise a party consisting of Crono,
Lucca and Robo with Gold Studs. Luminaire, Flare and Shock are about the
best spells to use against the final forms of Lavos. Lavos has three parts
to it. A central part, and two arms. In order to defeat the center, you
need to defeat the arms first. Lavos will start with a powerful attack
before you can get a move off. You may need to heal afterwards. Be careful
when the left arm is gone, because the right arm will cast a spell that
will remove all of one character's protective magic, even that which is
invoked by armor such as the Vigil Hat. When you beat the right arm, wait
till Lavos casts a spell called Obstacle, which is a Chaos type spell.
Then the main body's defense will decrease a lot. So now use Luminaire,
Flare and Shock till it dies, healing with Robo when you need it. The
central core may use Obstacle against you several times during the battle,
and Flame Battle which is fairly powerful. You get nothing for winning.
Lavos Core 2
Black Omen
HP: 1500 (left part) 10000 (center) 30000 (right)
Attacks: Granite Rock, Crying Heavens
| This is it, the final showdown with Lavos.
Lavos has three parts. A central body, a left bit, and a right bit. Be
sure to have Crono, Lucca and Robo (in this order) with Gold Studs. The
central body provides a protection for the right bit (the real core):
so use Luminaire, Flare and Shock till the center dies. The bits will
sometimes heal the central body, and the bits can also attack you. The
central body will cast Time Warp which seems to enable itself to cast
different spells depending on the time period you are in. After you've
destroyed the central body, wait till the right bit shuts off his defense.
Since there's no central body, the bits will counterattack each time you
hit the left one. So you must only hit the right one: use Crono's Confuse
and Lucca & Robo's DoublevBomb. Since Robo is next to the right bit
(if you've made sure to put him in third place), DoublevBomb will do major
damage to the right bit, doing more than 7600 damage at level 99! When
you need it, cure the party with Robo's Heal Beam. If you don't have anymore
MP, use a MegaElixir. The right bit will eventually revive the center
body and the left bit if you killed them. The right bit will now raise
its defense again. You need to repeat the process over again. Destroying
the right bit will kill the other parts of Lavos, thus beating the game!