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ver 1.0.0.
Leonis © 2002-2003


На этой страничке вы найдёте описания всех монстров, встречающихся в игре. Каждый монстр имеет свои характеристики, некоторые владеют магией, а некоторые оставляют после себя различные вещи. Кроме этого за каждого монстра вы получаете деньги и увеличиваете свои навыки и знание техники. Для удобства все монстры разбиты по эпохам, в которых они встречаются.

12,000 Д.Н.Э.

Картинка Описание Опыт Тех $ Чары Выигр.
Bantam Imp
Бес Задира
bantamimp.gif (1285 bytes)
Жизней: 250
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Magic damage and causes HP to steadily drop to 1 character
Mountain of Woe
222 6 550 Alloy Blade -
barghest.gif (1288 bytes)
Жизней: 450
Appears with Jinn, Physical damage to 1 character (if Jinn is alive), Shadow damage to all characters (if Jinn is dead), Counterattacks with magic damage to all characters (if its near Jinn when its hit)
Ocean Palace
376 8 400 Shield -
basher.gif (1083 bytes)
Жизней: 150
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character
Black Bird
337 8 0 - -
beast.gif (1454 bytes)
Жизней: 830
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character only if it is close to that character, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Attack power increases when it is damaged
Beasts' Nest
204 5 450 R'bow Helm -
BLue Beast
Синий Зверь (boss)
bluebeast.gif (1450 bytes)
Жизней: 5000
Appears with Red Beast and Mud Imp, Dies when Mud Imp dies
Beasts' Nest
--Weak against Fire, Water does no damage
300 8 800 MermaidCap -
Blue Scout
Синий Скаут
bluescout.gif (1060 bytes)
Жизней: 300
Water damage to 1 character, Counterattacks against fire, lightning, shadow, and generic magic damage with water damage to all characters
Ocean Palace
234 8 250 Shield -
byte.gif (1194 bytes)
Жизней: 192
Physical damage to 1 character
Black Bird
378 8 0 - -
Dalton (boss)
dalton.gif (1143 bytes)
Жизней: 3500
Magic damage to all characters at death, Reduces the HP of 1 character to 1/2, Counterattacks by reducing the HP of 1 character to 1/2
Zeal Palace
1000 30 2500 Power Meal -
Dalton Plus (boss)
Дальтон Плюс
daltonplus.gif (1295 bytes)
Жизней: 2800
Physical damage to 1 character, Physical damage to 1 character, Magic damage to 1 character, Counterattacks against magic damage with damage of the opposite element on all characters, Counterattacks against physical damage by reducing the HP of 1 character by 1/2
Black Bird
2500 40 2000 Power Meal -
gargoyle.gif (1114 bytes)
Жизней: 260
Reduces 1 character's HP to 1, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Physical/Magic damge to 1 character
Mountain of Woe
216 6 0 Big Hand -
Giga Gaia (boss)
Гига Гайа
gigagaia.gif (5516 bytes)
Жизней: 9500
Appears with Giga Gaia (Left Hand) and Giga Gaia (Right Hand), Shadow damage to all characters (only if both hands are alive), Fire damage to all characters (only if both hands are alive), Revives a hand or both hands for 1/2 their maximum HP (only if 1 or both hands are defeated), Fire damage to all characters (only if left hand is destroyed, but right hand is alive)
Mountain of Woe
3000 30 3000 Speed Tab -
Giga Gaia (Right Hand) (boss)
gigagaia.gif (5516 bytes)
Жизней: 2000
Appears with Giga Gaia and Giga Gaia (Left hand), Cuts HP of 1 character in half only if Left hand is destroyed, Dies when Giga Gaia dies
Mountain of Woe
0 0 0 - -
Giga Gaia (Left Hand) (boss)
gigagaia.gif (5516 bytes)
Жизней: 2000
Appears with Giga Gaia and Giga Gaia (Left hand), Cuts HP of 1 character in half only if Left hand is destroyed, Dies when Giga Gaia dies
Mountain of Woe
0 0 0 - -
Golem (boss)
golem.gif (1840 bytes)
Жизней: 7000
Magic damage to all characters as it dies.  Its attacks vary depending on what you attack it with.  If you attack it with physical attacks it does physical damage to 1 character or reduces the HP of 1 character by half (it also starts out with those attacks).  If you attack it with fire it does fire damage to all characters or does fire damage to 1 character.  If you attack it with lightning damage it does lightning damage to all characters.  If you attack it with water damage it does water damage to all characters or does water damage to 1 character.  If you attack it with shadow damage it does shadow (but not magic) damage to all characters.
Zeal Palace, Ocean Palace
1000 35 2000 Magic Tab -
Golem Boss (boss)
Голем Босс
golemboss.gif (1856 bytes)
Жизней: 15000
Runs away
Black Bird
2500 40 2000 - -
jinn.gif (488 bytes)
Жизней: 450
Appears with Barghest, High magic defense, High defense until you kill Barghest and damage him once, Sacrifices itself to heal Barghest
Ocean Palace
303 8 400 Lapis Lapis
lasher.gif (1097 bytes)
Жизней: 666
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Counterattacks with physical damage to 1 character only if there is one more Lasher still alive
Ocean Palace
265 8 850 - -
lavos.gif (10451 bytes)
Жизней: 30000
Must lose to advance plot, Physical damage on all characters, Magic damage and confuse to all characters, Physical damage on 1 character
Ocean Palace
0 0 0 - -
mage.gif (1235 bytes)
Жизней: 480
Physical damage to 1 character, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Locks 1 character
Ocean Palace
322 8 550 Barrier, Lapis Lapis
Magus (boss)
maguse2.gif (600 bytes)
Жизней: 6666
Magic/Physical damage to 1 character, Fire damage to all characters, Lightning damage to all characters, Water damage to all characters
Ocean Palace
3000 50 4000 MegaElixir -
maneater.gif (1184 bytes)
Жизней: 250
Physical damage and confuse to 1 character, Heals all comrades
Mountain of Woe
253 6 750 Pearl Edge -
Mud Imp (boss)
mudimp.gif (1002 bytes)
Жизней: 1200
Appears with the Blue Beast and Red Beast, Damages one beast (if one beast is still alive) which sometimes makes the beast do magic/physical damage to 1 character, Physical damage to 1 character (if at least one beast is still alive), Heals all allies, Makes one character fall asleep and does magic damage, Counterattacks with physical damage to 1 character (half the time and only if both beasts are still alive), Counterattacks with damage to all characters (the other half the time and only if both beasts are still alive), Counterattacks by healing all allies (if both beasts are not still alive), High magic defense, High defense (until both beasts die)
Beasts' Nest
354 10 1000 Speed Tab -
nu.gif (1194 bytes)
Жизней: 1234
Reduces 1 character's HP to 1, Reduces 1 character's HP by 1
124 15 0 Mop Magic Tab, Speed Tab
Red Beast (boss)
Алый Зверь
redbeast.gif (1450 bytes)
Жизней: 5000
Appears with Blue Beast and Mud Imp, Dies when Mud Imp dies
Beasts' Nest
--Weak against Water, Fire does no damage
300 8 800 Elixir -
Red Scout
Алый Скаут
redscout.gif (999 bytes)
Жизней: 300
Magic damage to 1 character and lowers HP steadily, Counterattacks against lightning, water, and generic magic damage with fire damage to all characters
Ocean Palace
--Weak against Fire, Absorbs Lightning and Water
234 8 250 Barrier -
rubble.gif (1165 bytes)
Жизней: 515
Locks all characters at beginning of fight, High evade rate, Runs away
Mountain of Woe
1000 100 0 - Mid Ether
scouter.gif (1061 bytes)
Жизней: 300
Puts 1 character to sleep, Lightning damage to 1 character, Counterattacks with shadow damage to all characters if a Blue Scout and Red Scout are still alive, Counterattacks against fire, water, shadow, and generic magic damage with lightning damage to all characters if a Blue Scout and Red Scout are not still alive
Ocean Palace
--Weak against Lightning, Absorbs Fire, Water, and Shadow
234 8 250 Lapis -
Stone Imp
Бес Камня
stoneimp.gif (1043 bytes)
Жизней: 300
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Magic damage to 1 character
Mountain of Woe
126 6 300 Mid Ether -
thrasher.gif (1083 bytes)
Жизней: 666
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Counterattacks with physical damage and chaos to all characters only if there is one other Thrasher still alive
Ocean Palace
318 8 250 - -
turrent.gif (1270 bytes)
Жизней: 700
Locks all characters at the beginning of the fight, High Evade rate, Shadow damage to 1 character, Self destructs
Black Bird
1500 100 0 - Mid Ether



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